Located in Slovenia, in the European Union, BISOL Production has always been developing with a high speed that the fast-changing PV market demands, however, in the last few years, BISOL matured into a brand dictating the pace and trend-setting the future.
In the last 16 years, BISOL Group has increased the production capacity many times already, as well as implemented all important quality standards and lean methods of the production. Just in the last 12 months, we replaced the majority of the machines with new state-of-the-art automatic lines. The seventh increase and yet another modernization already happened in 2021, delivering the best quality and power that the solar market offers up to date.

The new module comes with a giant production update
BISOL Group is starting to produce the BISOL Duplex solar panels implementing the most progressive M6 dimension half-cut cells (166 x 166 mm) and multi-busbar technology – both to maximise the energy yield to extremes. Up until now, we were in some ways conservative in the best meaning of the word, learning from the 16 years of experiences that not every trend creates a high-quality solar product. Today, the technology has advanced enough to make the module production process fully automated.
We implemented:
new tabbing stringing machines with laser cutters to ensure non-destructive cell cutting for less microcracks and power loss,
the lay-up system robots that are connected to the stringers,
the best completely automatic bussing machines to ensure the controlled process, resulting in the perfect, extremely detailed interconnection,
high-capacity laminators to follow the increased demand and take a next step towards higher production capacity.
Lean and intelligent production with in-house developed systems
BISOL Production has been known for years for their intelligent, in-house tailor-made production steps based on the lean production methods. An amazing example is BISOL tracking system that offers the fully monitored process assuring the highest utilisation rate and optimised cost structure, which eventually translates into most competitive prices.
More about the new BISOL Duplex
The new, even more powerful BISOL Duplex PV modules come in a 120 and 144 cell version, each of them in five different power classes.
According to calculations, the immensely anticipated BISOL Duplex will be significantly higher in terms of module power and conversion efficiency compared to other modules on the market.
The BISOL Duplex modules are available in 2 series:
BISOL Premium with 25 years of 85% output power guarantee,
and BISOL Supreme™, the only series in the world to offer 25 years of 100% output power guarantee.
Soon, there will be a gasping 605 Wp PV modules available as well.

Read more about the amazing new BISOL Duplex in PV magazine.