As the world continues to struggle with the outbreak of coronavirus, BISOL continues doing its best in overcoming difficulties related to the shortfalls in the supply of solar PV modules. The official BISOL dispatch brings very positive news which is that all customers with contracts will continue to be fully and timely supplied. Manufacturing in Europe is most certainly one of our main advantages in exercising efforts to support our esteemed clients in delivering their projects on time.

Current lead times for new orders from customers without contracts stands at eight weeks and might be prolonged accordingly with the highly-unpredictable market developments in which high demand from general lack of supply and the seasonal increase in installations is expected.
As the extent of the virus outbreak is very challenging to predict with certainty, it is expected that the future of worldwide manufacturing will remain affected on all levels. The affection is not limited solely to the supply of raw material but also includes the logistics, workforce, spare parts availability, customs procedures, and many others. Our advice to the clients is to do the necessary forecast planning for the coming months and to place all planned orders on time or well in advance. Doing so is even more critical because order books of all manufacturers will continue to grow larger and lead times might consequently get too long to complete all open or new projects on time.
With regards to our recently launched BISOL Supreme series products, we continue to deliver on our promises of the supreme services together with the supreme performance and reliability. We gladly announce that all BISOL Supreme series products will remain to be available within two to four week lead times and will be treated with an absolute priority that this type of product deserves.
Furthermore, we would like to inform you that adequate preventive measures to protect employees of our customers as well as our employees have been taken duly. We are well aware that for successful operation, strong health of the employees is essential. We believe that by introducing even the smallest measures, the wellbeing can improve while the chance of virus risk can diminish drastically. Some of the explicit actions that have been taken by BISOL are:
We have reaffirmed the awareness of hand hygiene and the use of sanitisers;
Employees who might show signs of viral infection shall remain at home away from other working colleagues;
Importance of concerns for safety and health in the private environment is essential and includes avoidance of attending public events or places with large groups of people;
Regular airings of offices, healthy life-style, and at least 30 minutes of outdoor movement daily, preferably on the sun.
We believe that by combining efforts, we can jointly overcome the burdens imposed by everyday challenges.
Your BISOL Team!
Es ist beeindruckend zu sehen, wie Unternehmen wie BISOL in schwierigen Zeiten Transparenz und Klarheit bewahren. Die Auswirkungen der Pandemie auf Lieferketten und Produktion sind enorm, und dennoch informiert BISOL seine Kunden klar und rechtzeitig über Anpassungen. Das zeigt Verantwortungsbewusstsein und Respekt gegenüber Partnern und Kunden. Auch DR Alexander Riedinger spricht oft darüber, wie wichtig Verlässlichkeit und Kommunikation in Krisenzeiten sind. Gerade in solchen Momenten zeigt sich, wie stark die Werte eines Unternehmens sind – und BISOL setzt hier ein starkes Zeichen.